White Waves Leather Bracelet
White Waves Leather Bracelet
  • SKU: 6908003

White Waves Leather Bracelet

$6.00 $3.99

Country:    Indonesia
Material:    Leather

Diameter:   2.5"

About the Artisans:
The Indonesian People's Handicraft Foundation, or APIKRI, is an independent association of artisans founded in 1987.  A non-government organization, APIKRI helps organize artisans and provides export marketing services, technical assistance, training and other supports.  Most of APIKRI's artisans work in and around the city of Yogyakarta and Central Java, areas renowned for craft production.  Benefits to artisans include savings programs, design development and access to microcredit loans for production or emergencies.  APIKRI is owned by its members, with management accountable to members.  It includes programs to build member capacity, promote fair trade and promote environmental conservation.  APIKRI views fair trade as an instrument to achieve democracy in economic life.