Divine Milk Chocolate Snack Bar
Divine Milk Chocolate Snack Bar
  • SKU: 2403013

Divine Milk Chocolate Snack Bar


Country:    Ghana
Sizing:        45g

NOTE:  This is a season holiday bar while supplies last

About the Artisans:
Tracing its roots back to changes in the cocoa trade in Ghana in 1993, Divine eventually became the brand name of a farmer driven initiative to compete globally for better remuneration and respect.  Ghanian cocoa farmers protested industry changes that disadvantaged them and set up Kuapa Kokoo (which means “Good Cocoa Farmer”) as a cooperative to supply cocoa beans under fair trade certified principles to a processing company in the UK that would eventually become Divine Chocolate.  Their desire and determination to have a world-class product is underscored by their early motto to be “Pa Pa Paa” (the best of the best).  All the cocoa products still come from Kuapa Kokoo, but Divine now has production plants around the world to provide exquisite chocolate that is, indeed, the best of the best!